For Hospitals and Physician Practices

Wound Center Development

At Comprehensive we believe that if a hospital is able to run its own ICU or Surgery Department it can run its own wound program

Program Independence

What helps create a successful wound care center is the training of the team, proper billing, and the growth of the service. You don’t need a turn-key management service for that.  You need an experienced Consultant!


Hybrid Services

Our most popular service models are our hybrid service and our consultation service. We give you options. At a time that Fee-For-Service is being replaced by Pay-For-Performance, who can afford to pay a company every time a patient is seen? Our clients like autonomy and remain in control of their own destiny.

Transition professional

Many hospitals that are currently in a traditional wound management contract are searching for alternatives to the costly turn-key model. Comprehensive has experience transitioning clients to a more autonomous arrangement where the income is not gobbled up by high management fees. Comprehensive’s team is specialized in wound program consultation services to get teams the tools needed to manage the program independently while still achieving high healing rates and increasing the return on investment. Comprehensive has proven that there are other solutions and options. We develop programs for: Diabetic Foot Ulcers Grade 3 and above, Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis, Compromised flaps and grafts, Delayed radiation injuries, Osteoradionecrosis (ORN), and Soft tissue radio necrosis.

Training and Support

We encourage our clients to integrate inpatient and outpatient wound care to reduce LOS and prevent re-admissions. We teach advanced wound care principles and provide all the support to help a team become efficient and specialized in a short period of time. We help you with the schematic design of the space, the project time line and the supply/equipment resources needed. We come on site to help you create efficient and cost effective care that is properly billed and reimbursed from the day you open.

Outreach to Physicians

The bane of the turn-key management service is that the program manager (often a business person) is sent out to teach physicians in the community about the benefits of sending their patients to the outpatient wound care service. Why pay all that money when you can replicate that part of the service implementation with your own staff? Comprehensive has your back. We can teach your personnel! We have been in the trenches and done that work. We have taught community educators and helped grow new clinics to become thriving centers of excellence.